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Green Initiatives

Indoor Climate

   As the temperature in August is mild, we will use airco only in the main room. For more eco friendly attitude we won't cool the side session rooms as we expect a good balance between the mild weather and a comfortable session room. Prepare yourself for weather in São Carlos. Fell free to use a casual outfit during the sessions. We recommend check the weather forecast for the week of the event before coming.

Carbon Footpring Compensation Project

   In order to mitigate the environmental impact caused by event (primarily travel by the participants), we will estimate the amount of carbon emitted and the number of trees need to its sequestration. All attendants are invited to plant native tree species in riparian areas in the surrounding of São Carlos. We are especially concern about the riparian areas because of their vulnerability and importance for diversity, water provision including the recharge of the Guarani aquifer, one of the world's largest aquifer systems and an important source of freshwater.


Walking and cycling to the event

   Local participants are invited to go to the Symposium walking or by bike. Participants from other cities are invited to check the distance from the hotels to the event so they can go walking.

Bus to the event

   Besides the normal buses city lines, for participants, primarily the speakers, we will have a bus (Biodiesel fuel) passing through some hotels before coming to the event in the morning and leaving back to hotels in the afternoon.


Car Sharing

   Participants coming by car can contribute to reduce their footprint by inviting other participants to share the travel to the event. We will provide a list and email’s of participants from other location and also from each hotel in São Carlos, so it would be possible to make contact with them to make all arrangements. This is only for participants of the conference so no worries!!

« July 2024 »


Contribuintes da Ciência

-Ionia e Paulo Arruda

-Dr Manoel Siqueira

Contribuintes Ciência